Cemile and Sezgin keep on writing their love story on walls and streets in Izmir since 5 years.

The inhabitants of the Dominik Street have myriad theories on who these mysterious people are.

This film is about using city surfaces and urban legends.

Directors Biographies – Aylin Kuryel

Aylin Kuryel is a lecturer at the Literary and Cultural Analysis department at the University of Amsterdam.

She is the co-editor of Aesthetics and Resistance in the Age of Global Uprisings, Being Jewish in Turkey: A Dictionary of Experiences and Essays on Boredom.

Among her documentaries are Taboo (2009), Welcome Lenin (2016), Heads and Tails (2018), A Defense (2021).

Directors Biographies – Raşel Meseri

Rasel Meseri gradauted from E.Ü. Fine Arts Cinema-TV; she has made several short films and documentaries.

Among her book are Can’lı ve Işıltı’lı Maceralar, Köpekbalıklarının Kayıp Şarkıları, Kırık Şehir, Küt Oynayan Kadınlar and Türkiye’de Yahudi Olmak: Bir Deneyim Sözlüğü.